I woke up to find my mother missing from my room. My memory of falling asleep that night was fuzzy, but I could recall her comforting presence. Perhaps I had drifted off in her arms. As I began to fully wake up, the smell of breakfast cooking wafted into my room, and I could hear my mother bustling around in the kitchen. But something was off. She wasn't alone.

I strained my ears, and amidst the sounds of sizzling pans and clinking utensils, I heard a voice I hadn't heard in what felt like an eternity. It was familiar yet haunting, a voice from the past that I could never forget. It was her,Yin.

I get up out of bed and get dressed,Wearing a tang top and some sweat pants.As I approached the kitchen, I tried to open the door quietly, not wanting to interrupt the conversation within.

I froze as I heard the laughter, a sound that felt both comforting and unfamiliar. My mother's voice. "Yes, I was never the best cook. My husband would always cook for Yang and you when you came over on holidays."

Her words stirred memories of my father, his presence felt keenly in the kitchen even though he was no longer with us. And then there was the other voice—Yin's voice—so sweet and familiar, yet tinged with a sense of longing.

I entered the kitchen, greeted by the warmth of the morning light streaming through the windows. "Oh honey, did we wake you?" my mother asked.

"No, Mom, you didn't. It's alright," I reassured her.

Yin's voice interrupted, breaking the silence. "Long time no see, Yang. Still a late bird, huh?"

I chuckled, feeling a sense of ease wash over me. "I guess so. And you still can't cook anything other than toast?"

“I can cook pretty well now” she remarked.

My heart skipped a beat as I felt her arm intertwine with mine. It was a simple gesture, but it sent a rush of warmth coursing through me. She guided me gently to the table, where I settled into my seat as they finished setting up and cooking.

“You can try it for yourself” she said with what felt like a warm smile. I truly wish I could see her smile.

My mom and yin sat down, feeling a sense of comfort in their presence.Yin and my mom chatted, catching up on old times and sharing stories from the past.Despite the heaviness that had weighed on me lately.It felt like old times, like nothing had changed, even though so much Had. My mother got up from the table and had went into her room to get ready for work.I never heard yin get up.

“Yin?” no answer,my heart began to beat louder.”Yin?”

she answered “ oh sorry- i was um…I was looking at ur eyes.”

My heart raced as I felt Yin's gaze fixated on me. I instinctively moved to cover my eyes, but she reached out and grabbed my arm, stopping me.

"I-I didn't mean that they scared me, Yang," she nervously explained. "The... There... beauty-"

Before she could finish her sentence, my mom walked into the room, her eyes immediately drawn to the sight of Yin holding my arm and the nervous expression on my face.

"Everything alright?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Yin quickly let go of my arm, and I replied, trying to sound casual, "Yeah, Mom. Have a good day at work."