I woke up to my mother calling my name. ” Yang honey!”

“Yes mama?” In my sleepy dase i sprung up.

“want to go to the store with me today? she said

“Yeah yeah sure let me get dressed” Putting on my jeans and my white pollo shirt i stepped out og my room. ” Mom?”

“im in the kitchen, one moment and we will head out.”

My mother finished putting away the dishes that were hung to dry last night. Footsteps headed twords me and my mother handed my my Blind stick. ”Here honey”

My mom didnt know what happened yesterday cause after my father died shes had to work many hours to support herself. I think she dosent complain though since my dad used to work so much just so my mom didnt have to work. I dont plan to tell her ethier though, i think if my mother knew she wouldn't be able to breathe. I remembered when my father and sister were pronounced dead at the hospitial i could hear my mom in the room over weeping, as her air flow became filled with tears. Sometimes its better for you not to know mama.

We headed to the supermarket, My mother used to take me often when i was little so i kinda did know the layout a bit. My mother held my hand and i had my walking stick in the other.

“Oh you know i havent seen Amanda in forever,Do you remember mrs. Amanada?”

“Kaitlyns mom?”


We headed inside with the fresh smell of baked goods in my nose.THe memories of visting the bakery with yin’s family came rushing back. Yins family always treated me as if i was one of their own. I feel bad after the rift that was created between us after my sisters and fathers death, My mother and I kept to ourselves so we didnt really get to talk to them much. Yin’s mother would always leave us letters though asking if we were doing okay. I think they understood how much it broke my mother to lose the man she loved and the man i called my father. My only sister was taken from me in a mer few minutes, My mother’s Little princess was never able to become a teacher like she always wanted to. It makes me wonder if she ever blamed herself since she wasnt in the car with us.

"Hi, Amanda, how are you?" My mother's voice sounded cheerful, and I imagined her smiling.

"I'm well, thank you. How are you and Yang doing?" Mrs. Amanda responded, her laughter ringing in the air.

"Yang's graduating soon, but he's just visiting until his last semester starts," my mother explained.

"Yeah, I'm just visiting for now. But I should be moving back home soon," I chimed in.

"Oh, really? Do you not want to try an internship job before you come back home?" Mrs. Amanda asked, her tone curious.

"Don't you go to the same college as Kaitlyn?" Her question caught me off guard.

"Do I?" I replied, genuinely surprised.

"I think so. I've heard Kaitlyn say she saw you in the halls before," Mrs. Amanda mentioned casually.